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▣ Gallery

Gallery . 노르망디 해변

by 조사익시문학(運營者) 2023. 8. 22.










Beach Normandy
Humble silhouettes, leaning towards them,
In tears, one supporting the other with compassion,
Two ages, two generations,
Lost in this silence, among these too many Carrara marble crosses,

These visions came to me later,
Of these young men, chilled, yours,
Another day, another month of June, sad, dirty
Wading in gray, angry, salty water,
Clinging to this accursed beach, meter by meter,
Greedy strike for your blood, entangled foot soldiers,
You look up there, towards the dune, from which innumerable lightning strikes,
How many obstacles to overcome, to escape the bosom of this cruel sea?
Up there, still, the din grows, pounding of grapeshot, dantesque lights
Rattles, cries of pain,
And above all, in this space that hell has reserved for itself, fear
At this hour,
You fell, one after the other, with, like defilements of ignoble blood flowers
On your poor oppressed breasts
Far from the States, without understanding, so far from your tender beings, so loved
2006.06.10 - David cho


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